Monday, May 26, 2008

Some random thoughts

I was away for a couple of weeks; nice way to connect to one self and one's thoughts. Some random ones from the recent past.

We almost always fail to realize the worth of something or somebody while they still belong. Fear of loss or paranoia – is this what makes life interesting? If otherwise, one is either too complacent or doesn’t care.

I find today’s children are more sure and open about themselves and less pretentious.

There are some countries which are fifty years ahead of us and I wonder if we would ever catch up.

It’s interesting to know perception of some of my friends about me – bossy, selfish (know my priority) and nagging. “If you see yourself as a reflection in the eyes of others all they have to do is blink and you cease to exist”. I love you guys but I am at peace with myself.

I want to get away for a week just by myself to catch up on reading.

For now, I am back!


Asit said...

"There are some countries which are fifty years ahead of us and I wonder if we would ever catch up."

I think you forgot to add a zero after 50 :)

Mr(s) G :-)) said...

Lady! Om Shanthi Om!
Watch Dasavatharam and lose all your random thoughts.
Have fun.
Something new at...
Oh, btw: Belated HBDy :-)


Welcome back