Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Men are non-living things

Kids are amazingly curious. I think we are all curious, but kids live upto their reputation as they spell out their thoughts / questions without any inhibition unlike us grown-ups.

Yoga’s son, a 7-year old who races cars (well, virtually) as if he is Schumacher in the making asks more question than the number of times he breaths and floors his otherwise talkative mom. One afternoon he was back from school and was busy preparing a chart of living and non-living things using parameters (breathe, move etc.) specified by his teacher. He looked up from his work and said matter-of- factly “Amma, I am placing men under non-living things” seeing the confused look on his mother’s face, he was quick to add “men don’t reproduce, right?”

She had a hearty laugh and made a quick call to share this with me and added her muse, “I wish we could be as candid as our kids”.

*scroll down to my previous post (comments) to see my responses to your comments


Anonymous said...

hi kay,

Do u know the aftermath of this story? A few days later my son asked me "Amma, how can men reproduce? I have never seen a man being pregnant". I had a hard time.

Anonymous said...

hi there, even abheetha had this query - was i born in daddy's stomach - if not then they are non living things right.. had a hearty laugh that day .. love - bhavs

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. If ever you want to get your work published, I will be more than happy to be your publisher.

Kamala Aithal said...

Yoga, Keep his young mind well fed :-)

Bhavs, If Abeetha grows up to be half as angelic as Teju, you would think your prayers are answered. You have a tough customer there.

Bro dear, Thanks very much for your magnanimous offer. A word of caution: you will be the publisher and the only reader too!